Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Love Dare

The morning show of a Christian radio station is doing The Love Dare.  They started today and will end in 40 days on Valentine's Day.  I have browsed through the book and I have seen the movie that goes along with it, and have always wanted to try it.  Now is my chance and ending on Valentine's Day just seems very appropriate to me. 

Don't know what The Love Dare is?  The Love Dare is a 40 page exercise book that  focuses on how you treat your spouse and your partner.  All too often we are so quick to say that the issues we are having in our relationships is because of the other person.  It is so easy to blame it all on them and not admit that we too are part of the problem.  What I really like about this book is it does not focus on the other person.  It does not focus on what our spouse is doing wrong.  It focuses only on you.  Each day it gives you a new dare.  This dare is just to perform a simple act of love towards your partner.  Another thing I really like about this book is it is not a happily ever after sort of book.  There is no disillusion that you and your spouse will live happily ever after not ever having any struggles or conflict.  Instead it offers practical help such as how to fight cleanly and leading your heart instead of being led by your heart. 

So what I am going to do is post each day with that days challenge.  And I will keep track of how I am doing in this challenge.  If you want to join me, please do. 

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